Symptom Free – Was I Misdiagnosed with Osteoarthritis or was I Cured?

Was I misdiagnosed or was I cured? This simple question is proving to be controversial. For many people it’s important to get a reliable answer as a good outcome for one person can provide a great deal of hope to others. My case was said to be classic and certainly when I compare symptoms and stories with other hip OA sufferers we seem to have (or had in my case) an identical condition with the same problems and symptoms. Continue Reading

Breaking Down Barriers

Addressing problems like muscle weakness or abnormal load passing through the joint can help to bring the balance back towards the repair process. In summary – for most people osteoarthritis isn’t an inevitably progressive thing and can be modified by looking for and addressing the problems that tip the balance from wear to repair in the joints. Continue Reading

Case Study: Claire’s Progress

Woke up at 4 am. Pain in thigh. Maybe I was too keen doing exercises yesterday. But no longer do I reach for the Anadin. I am no longer in a state of learned helplessness. I start taking control. I feel for my known trigger points, run through the glutes, the TFL, the IT band, then hit the spot on QL. Eureka. I know I have found it. Massage both sides, relief, followed by deep,restful sleep until 7.30, when I wake up pain free and exulting in the control I now have over my so-called “Osteoarthritis”. – Claire Continue Reading