Mobility Exercises for Hip OA

Have a try at these exercises and see if any of them help get your spine, pelvis and hips moving a little better. Don’t force it – if something seems to help incorporate it into your training. When it stops helping stop doing it! Remember, your body is a moving target whilst you’re working on correcting your imbalances. An exercise that doesn’t help today might produce awesome results in a few months time, so retry the exercises periodically. Continue Reading

What You can Expect to Achieve when Treating Osteoarthritis with Physical Therapy

What can you expect to achieve when treating Osteoarthritis with physical therapy? The likelihood of you achieving a good outcome is dependent upon a number of factors – not least what you consider a good outcome to be! Do you simply want to be able to go about your daily life without constant pain, or do you want to be a competitive ultra-distance runner or olympic weightlifter? The former may be achievable quite quickly and easily – the latter will require near perfect bio-mechanics and may take longer! Continue Reading

The Rationale Behind the 6 Week Treatment Plan

It’s been nearly two months since my “Hip Osteoarthritis CAN be Cured” self help book was published. I’ve been kept very busy responding to questions and trying to build up an understanding of the things that people are having difficulty with. I’ve now got some blog posts lined up to target these areas, and to help keep everyone motivated and on track when things feel hopeless (as will almost certainly happen from time to time). I’ve decided to use this first post to explain the rationale behind the 6 week treatment plan in the book. If I can make this clear I think it’ll aid in your understanding of how to use the plan, and how to customize it to suit your specific problems, lifestyle and preferences. Continue Reading