What You can Expect to Achieve when Treating Osteoarthritis with Physical Therapy

What can you expect to achieve when treating Osteoarthritis with physical therapy? The likelihood of you achieving a good outcome is dependent upon a number of factors – not least what you consider a good outcome to be! Do you simply want to be able to go about your daily life without constant pain, or do you want to be a competitive ultra-distance runner or olympic weightlifter? The former may be achievable quite quickly and easily – the latter will require near perfect bio-mechanics and may take longer! Continue Reading

Symptom Free – Was I Misdiagnosed with Osteoarthritis or was I Cured?

Was I misdiagnosed or was I cured? This simple question is proving to be controversial. For many people it’s important to get a reliable answer as a good outcome for one person can provide a great deal of hope to others. My case was said to be classic and certainly when I compare symptoms and stories with other hip OA sufferers we seem to have (or had in my case) an identical condition with the same problems and symptoms. Continue Reading