What You can Expect to Achieve when Treating Osteoarthritis with Physical Therapy

What can you expect to achieve when treating Osteoarthritis with physical therapy? The likelihood of you achieving a good outcome is dependent upon a number of factors – not least what you consider a good outcome to be! Do you simply want to be able to go about your daily life without constant pain, or do you want to be a competitive ultra-distance runner or olympic weightlifter? The former may be achievable quite quickly and easily – the latter will require near perfect bio-mechanics and may take longer! Continue Reading

The Importance of Self-Help For People Diagnosed with Osteoarthritis

The baby boomer generation are now reaching retirement age. Currently 4 people of working age support each old age pensioner in the UK. By the time I’m 70 that is expected to have dropped to 2.5. Will pain relief drugs and joint replacement surgery still be offered by the NHS by the time we need it? Rather than leave things to chance I prefer to take control now and cure myself rather than rely on the NHS to patch me up indefinitely. Continue Reading